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- Anki Teaching & Tutoring
With nearly 1,000,000 reviews and a continuous streak of 1,235 days during medical school, Neejad has mastered the art of using Anki for effective knowledge retention. In our Anki Teaching and Tutorial Services, he shares his expertise and strategies to help you harness the power of this tool. Whether you're new to Anki or looking to optimize your use of it, these sessions are designed to guide you in creating effective flashcards, managing your reviews, and integrating Anki into your daily study routine.
- USMLE & NBME Exam Coaching
We specialize in strategic preparation for key medical exams, including the USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2 CK, and NBME Shelf exams. Our coaching focuses on understanding the exam format, tackling various question types, and effective review strategies. We aim to boost your confidence and performance, helping you navigate the path to medical exam success.
- Study Strategy Development
We work with you to develop a personalized study strategy that aligns with your learning style and academic goals. This includes time management techniques, best study practices, and the use of educational resources and AI tools.
其他頁面 (13)
- NEEJAD | NeejyMode
尼吉 模式 掌握艺术 学习的 NeejyMode 是一种结构化方法,可帮助您在医学院学习中取得优异成绩。遵循 NeejyMode 的四个核心学习原则取得成功:Prime、Learn、Recall 和 Test。 学习技巧 NeejyMode 是一种学习医学的综合方法,旨在改变您对医学知识的关注、学习、保留和应用。 Prime Learn Recall Test 主要的 探索时间管理策略以及最大限度地减少干扰、优化注意力和组织工作流程的方法。这些生产力工具将为成功学习奠定坚实的基础。 查看视频库 学习 该支柱指导您选择适合您独特需求的最佳教育资源,并帮助您了解如何学习、如何分散学习以及如何平衡机构讲座材料与第三方资源。它还提供了有关工作流程工具的指导,以增强学习过程,包括 Pipnote 等人工智能工具。 查看视频库 记起 该支柱通过有效的回忆策略巩固您的学习。它相信主动回忆和间隔重复在增强记忆保留和理解方面的力量,并将帮助您有效且高效地使用 Anki。它还将研究使用 Pipnote 等人工智能工具来增强卡片生成。经过近 1,000,000 条评论后,如果是 Anki 问题,Neejad 就知道 Anki 答案。 查看视频库 测试 该支柱确保您将您的知识应用于他们的测试策略。它支持学习者了解其知识的深度,并为他们的考试和知识的实际应用做好准备。在完成 20,000 多个独特的 USMLE 风格问题后,Neejad 通过其专有的“分级方法”掌握了 USMLE 问题的艺术。 查看视频库
- NEEJAD | NeejyNews
NeejyNews 是您值得信赖的最新医疗保健、医学和技术创新来源。我们重点关注开创性的医学研究、新颖的治疗方法以及人工智能在医疗保健领域的变革性作用。我们的专业团队确保您收到准确、最新且引人入胜的新闻。 尼吉 消息
- NEEJAD | Layman Medical Academy
外行医学学院彻底改变了我们与复杂医学知识互动的方式,使每个人都能轻松理解。我们精心制作的视频将复杂的医学概念分解为小片段,将充满行话的独白转化为相关的讨论。 外行 医疗的 学院 全民医学教育 从了解常见的医疗状况到解释药物机制,外行医学学院促进了人们对健康和保健的理解。 播放影片 播放影片 00:46 Lactose Intolerance - Layman Medical Academy Lactose Intolerance - Layman Medical Academy AI-Powered, Professional Voice Cloning is provided courtesy of The ElevenLabs Grants program. @elevenlabsio For more Health Topics, visit our Layman Medical Academy Notion Database: https://neejad.hopp.to/Notion.LaymanMedicine 播放影片 播放影片 00:33 How is high blood pressure diagnosed? - Layman Medical Academy How is high blood pressure diagnosed? - Layman Medical Academy AI-Powered, Professional Voice Cloning is provided courtesy of The ElevenLabs Grants program. @elevenlabsio For more Health Topics, visit our Layman Medical Academy Notion Database: https://neejad.hopp.to/Notion.LaymanMedicine 播放影片 播放影片 00:51 Nasal Cancer - Layman Medical Academy Nasal Cancer - Layman Medical Academy AI-Powered, Professional Voice Cloning is provided courtesy of The ElevenLabs Grants program. @elevenlabsio For more Health Topics, visit our Layman Medical Academy Notion Database: https://neejad.hopp.to/Notion.LaymanMedicine 播放影片 播放影片 33:26 A-Z Temas de salud: capítulo 5 Neejad (https://bio.neejad.com/) , in collaboration with Pipnote (https://www.pipnote.com/) , is committed to the expansion of Medical Education for All. Educational content for this database is provided Courtesy of MedlinePlus (https://medlineplus.gov/) from the National Library of Medicine. “MedlinePlus brings together authoritative health information from the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other government agencies and health-related organizations.” AI-Powered Professional Voice Cloning is provided courtesy of ElevenLabs (https://elevenlabs.io/?from=neejadchidiac3703) Grants. DISCLAIMER: The content provided by Neejad LLC or its affiliates is information to help users enhance their medical education, knowledge, and understanding of fundamental topics in health. The content however is not professional medical advice, and is not intended to be relied upon as such, and those seeking medical advice or treatment should seek an appointment directly from a qualified professional. We make no representation or warranty of any kind, either express or implied, with respect to the information provided, the timeliness thereof, the results to be obtained by the use thereof or any other matter. 播放影片 播放影片 35:12 A-Z Temas de salud: capítulo 4 Neejad (https://bio.neejad.com/) , in collaboration with Pipnote (https://www.pipnote.com/) , is committed to the expansion of Medical Education for All. Educational content for this database is provided Courtesy of MedlinePlus (https://medlineplus.gov/) from the National Library of Medicine. “MedlinePlus brings together authoritative health information from the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other government agencies and health-related organizations.” AI-Powered Professional Voice Cloning is provided courtesy of ElevenLabs (https://elevenlabs.io/?from=neejadchidiac3703) Grants. DISCLAIMER: The content provided by Neejad LLC or its affiliates is information to help users enhance their medical education, knowledge, and understanding of fundamental topics in health. The content however is not professional medical advice, and is not intended to be relied upon as such, and those seeking medical advice or treatment should seek an appointment directly from a qualified professional. We make no representation or warranty of any kind, either express or implied, with respect to the information provided, the timeliness thereof, the results to be obtained by the use thereof or any other matter. 播放影片 播放影片 21:50 First Aid Forward Step 1 | In-Depth Review In this review of First Aid Forward Step 1, I discuss its comprehensive content, integrated search function, annotation features, and study approach. The resource provides traditional First Aid content, clinical pattern recognition, and case studies all integrated seamlessly. I highlight the usefulness of a systematic study approach, including tracking progress using a custom built Notion database (link below). Additionally, I emphasize the value of annotation tools and the importance of efficiently utilizing the resource for effective learning. #usmle #usmlesteps --- Sponsored by McGraw Hill. Promo Code: NEEJAD15 Step 1: https://tinyurl.com/FAF1NEEJAD Step 2CK: https://tinyurl.com/FAF2NEEJAD First Aid Forward Support: firstaidforwardsupport@mheducation.com --- First Aid Forward | NOTION | Study Tables and High Yield Topic Tracking Databases https://neejad.hopp.to/FirstAidForward 播放影片 播放影片 21:33 First Aid Forward Step 2 CK | In-Depth Review In this review of First Aid Forward Step 2 CK, I share my impressions of the three included textbooks: First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK, Clinical Algorithms, and Clinical Pattern Recognition. The platform provides integrated access to these resources, allowing personalized study approaches and quiz questions. Additionally, I demonstrate how to create personalized study plans using a custom built free Notion database (link below). Overall, I emphasize the comprehensive nature of First Aid Forward Step 2 CK and its potential to enhance medical exam preparation. #usmle #usmlesteps --- Sponsored by McGraw Hill. Promo Code: NEEJAD15 Step 1: https://tinyurl.com/FAF1NEEJAD Step 2CK: https://tinyurl.com/FAF2NEEJAD First Aid Forward Support: firstaidforwardsupport@mheducation.com --- First Aid Forward | NOTION | Study Tables and High Yield Topic Tracking Databases https://neejad.hopp.to/FirstAidForward 播放影片 播放影片 02:04 How can I prevent high blood pressure? - Layman Medical Academy How can I prevent high blood pressure? - Layman Medical Academy AI-Powered, Professional Voice Cloning is provided courtesy of The ElevenLabs Grants program. @elevenlabsio For more Health Topics, visit our Layman Medical Academy Notion Database: https://neejad.hopp.to/Notion.LaymanMedicine